May 28, 2010

That's the Ticket

I'm so happy to share my project with you today as a Designer for Sassy Lady.  Sheila has put together an amazing team of Designers and I am so honored to be one of them.  

I don't have a project per se to share with you today, but I do have some inspiration for you that hopefully will be a springboard for even more projects and designs for you.   I love my tools and toys, but I also want to find out how to get the most out of them.  My Gypsy opens up all kinds of possibilities, much of what you already know, some of which we'll continue to learn together. 

Today, however, I used my Gypsy to create a template for another product I have.   I LOVE the new dies by Tim Holtz and Sizzix.  His ticket strip is no exception.  (I now want the coordinating ticket stamp so very bad)! 

I created a layout that I wanted to use these tickets as journaling pieces, but I didn't want to stamp or hand write my journaling notes.  I decided to use my Cri-Kits pens with my Gypsy and write my journaling directly on my ticket strip, but I needed a template to work within.
(Note from Sheila aka SassyLady: I do not endorse these pens and personally use my Cricut Markers. I would strongly advise that you check your warranty on your Cricut before attatching another product to it. I would also like to add that this technique is perfect when using your marker, the line will be a little thicker but the process is the same. Cher has done a WONDERFUL job in showing you how to use the marker and offered an AWESOME page, see how Beautifully our Cricuts perform.)

I did find a ticket shape on Fabulous Finds.  This isn't the exact shape, but close enough to work with since I am not actually cutting the tickets for this project.  If you don't have this cartridge, you could just as easily just use a rectangle.  With your Gypsy, you could still use this shape from Fabulous Finds even if you don't have it for this project.  The reason being is that we are using it as a template, not as a file to actually cut.    The thing you must remember here, whichever shape you use, is to set your Real Character size (real dial size) ON.  You can make your shape the exact size then.   For example, these actual tickets were 2 x 1 1/8".  So, I set my true size and created a ticket sized 2 x 1.125" on my Gypsy.   Once I created one ticket, I then copied this and put them right next to each other to create a similar-appearing ticket strip.  I did weld these together as well. 

Notice that I placed my die-cut ticket strip on my mat at 6" down and 1" over.   This was done intentionally.   I wanted to create an easy boundary/ guideline to actually place my die-cut ticket strip on my Cricut mat.  

I then created a second page on my Gypsy in order to use the created template for placement of my words.   I added the words I wanted to use and rotated them on a slight angle.

Here is another close-up.

After loading my mat and making sure settings are set for the Cri-Kits and it is inserted properly, we then hit cut and it draws!!!!  I love watching my Cricut work. 

Here they are all drawn.  And I love how these tickets are already perforated, so all I have to do now is separate them and place them on my layout. 

See how much these tickets added to my whole layout?   If you'd like to see more details about the layout itself, just scroll down to the previous post on my blog at or click HERE.

I hope you enjoyed this look at another way to use your Gypsy and use this as an inspiration to create your own "out of the box" projects as well as find even more ways to get multiuse out of any other supplies and tools you may currently have. 

Thanks for visiting with us today, here at She's a Sassy Lady and Cheryl's Window


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Wow, I am so glad you shared this. I have never used my markers or pens for my cricut as I didn't know how. With these wonderful instructions I should be able to figure it out and start writting right away! Thanks for the great details.

Unknown said...

What a great technique ~ another reason I love my gypsy!!! I have only used the cricut markers and not very often. I am thinking I need that adapter and some gel pens now.....

Becky Roper said...

Great idea! I had never thought of doing that. Thanks for the inspiration.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

I am very impressed. That is really a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

Audrey Frelx said...

I never would have thought of that!!! We'll be having our family reunion and I'm doing all the decor and prizes, the t-shirts and caps, everything! Now I guess I can add to my list the raffle tickets!!! LOL! TFS!

217 Creations said...

Very Cool!!!

Angi Barrs said...

Very Kewl! Love the ticket strips. TFS!

Debbie said...

How clever are you!!! Did not take the plunge and buy the gypsy. I have those pens, but forget that I have them. Love your layout. Thanks for sharing your idea!

Kel said...

Absolutely incredible layout.. lots of work! You inspire me!

Sandi Clarkson said...

Fantastic project!

Barb Craft said...

This is such a fabulous idea!! I could have been making my own tickets all along and never knew it!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!
Barb :)

Jodie R said...

Oh, so cool! Forget housework today! You've inspired me to play! I just got the Cri-Kit and now I'm ready to try it out. Thanks Cher