May 17, 2010

It Takes Modifications To Become A SASSY CARD KIT GIVE-AWAY

Well hello, it's Sheila aka SassyLady today I want to show you what it takes to become a Sassy Card Kit that some lucky winner will receive in the mailbox. It isn't easy and I make lots of blunders before the final kit is actually sent. Let me take you down the wrong road first... Along with a crooked little mug this little guy has had a hard time just making it to card form. Let's face it we all go through projects like this but the main thing is to keep going until we have a final project. Hang in there with me.
The above card became a prototype. You see first I cut a kit and if all is well and all the cuts fit it will become one that ends up in the Sassy Card Kit Give-Away. I will have cards of varrying degrees of skill from the super easy to one like this little Zebra or the Barn Yard kit where it takes a little time and skill to put together. This one is a time eater, well the prototype was because of my blunders!
Let me say that the cut size is perfect!!! No problems with the size, I laid the paper wrong on the mat and boy did that create a mess! and I think that is why his little mug never fit right, or it could be when I flipped the card becasue the color had a little flaw... I ran into the problems putting this little gem together too. Let's go through this step by step. The cut is wonderful, just be sure you cut one accetate of the plain box. I think I bumped my head when I decided to flip the base card!
I put all my pieces in a zip lock bag... notice the ribbon it never made it to the final card. I remembered it after all pieces were intact and you can not take the window out after you have everything glued down. I always put the ribbon on last... not so with this card. To put together properly place all your top pieces together and also your ribbon then adhere the window, frame and zebra pieces. Reserve tying until the card is put together.
Next problem I didn't want the window to move so I used the zig two-way glue all along the edge. Don't do it!!! The glue got too close to the edge and went on the accetate.... what a nightmare trying to remove this. The right way is to use your ATG or I used the Glue Glider Pro along the edge. Then I ran into the next couple of problems. I used my Zyron and ran the frame and zebra pieces thru. Oh it worked great except for the little glue balls that come off of that. On normal paper it would be fine. I am using accetate as a little window.... it looks wonderful until you get glue or glue balls on it and you try to clean off! I have had baked on chicken, beans or pork chops that come off a glass baking dish easier than getting that glue off! So use the ATG guns for the frame and very carefully the Zip Dry Glue or ATG for the little bodies.
See the glue didn't even get that close...
It looks even, doesn't it? Wrong it seeped out. Be VERY careful if you use glue.
Now doesn't that look cute witht the window in? Now just add the body part layers.
I used a white mat on the bottom and then I took the piece that came out of the frame and placed back in the window added some Zip Dry Glue and brought my back up to the front so it would be centered perfectly from the window.
I left the little eye pieces in so it would look like the back of the zebras head.
This is the completed prototype ready for a final cut and some bright Sassy papers. Mind you this card is good as it is, and I will use and send out. I guarantee you the little window is clean!!! But to be a Sassy Card Kit ready for give-away it must go together easier and look great, so this is the right way to put this card together...
First I picked out a yummy paper and cut. Then I placed all the items in a little baggie for when I had time to put together, and cut another for our Give-Away receipient. If you do this at home be sure to prepare all pieces ahead of time. I trimmed the frame just under an 1/8" so it would close properly.
I made sure to mark the top with a little arrow, leaving now margin for error, and placed it in the little baggie.
I chalked his/her little mug and make sure if you do this at home to make the mouth darker and keep the little mouth in reserve.
Notice I took a little piece of mesh and placed behind the head since out gypsy does not do hide contour I wanted to keep those eyes so they would be glued down for the back of it's head. I started sticking my other little parts on it too so nothing would get lost.
When it was time to put my kit together I got out my Zip Dry, Glue Glider Pro and the little kit. I set aside 10 minutes to do this and it took twelve.
Take your goodies out of your little bag you made and get them in order. That way you will make sure you have everything and you will move faster in the long run. You will also have a good idea of what order to assemble. I try to make 5 kits per week so I always have something on hand to do during my down times. If I miss my lunch with the ladies I just close myself up in the office later in the day and make a little card with one of my handy kits. Be sure to watch for next weeks card, it is ADORABLE and only takes 3 minutes to put together!
Here is a good shot of the Zebra and his/her little face attached to the mesh.... no lost parts here.
Then I just start assembling, easy as 1-2-3!
The front of my card went exactly as planned I even remember to put the ribbon on this time before glueing in the window!
Then I glued around the entire edge and on his/her little body... notice how the ribbon is taped down? I didn't want it to fall off in this process. I did not place a bow in until the card was completely together.
I then placed the accetate down.
Then I used my Glue Pro Glider around the entire edge of the frame and placed it on the card. Lining up the bottom and sides.
See how nicely it fits and it is so nice and colorful. I then added the white of the Zebra, and then used Zip Dry glue to the black of the Zebra remembering to place a small piece of ribbon around the neck and tape down before completed and placed the Zebra back onto the window. It looks as if one piece because it matched perfectly.
I adhered my paper to the inside bottom of the card so the inside matched perfectly.
Doesn't that look nice?
The card looks nice from all directions. I love this paper from the DCVW Mariposa stack.
Now see how much easier it is when you know what you are doing. I love the little window in this card and you know, its ok to see handwritting through it. I remember a couple of years back finding a letter from my wonderful Aunt Marion and I just stared at it without even reading just remembering how special she was to me. You see she has been gone for many years, but I recognized her handwritting and imediately my heart was filled with love and my head was filled with fond memories of times gone by. So thats where the Sass is in this weeks card... just a sweet little glimpse of special little words that your loved one will hold onto and treasure for a lifetime!
I know this was a long post today, but hopefully you learned something new and if nothing else will continue with a project to completion in the future rather than just scrap it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Remember  the recipient will never know where your mistakes are, only you will.
Some lucky lady is going to get this kit to make a little Sassy Zebra Card sent directly to their home. All you need to do is make a comment by Sunday 10PM on 5/23 and watch for the announcement on Monday morning by 6AM on 5/24/10. It's that easy! Everybody is a winner because even if you don't win the kit you can download and make your own with this Sassy Zebra - Gypsy Kit or Sassy Zebra - DS Kit.
So be sure to leave a comment and make sure I know how to reach you. I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words, they inspire me to keep scrapping any sharing things with you. Registered & Protected


Unknown said...

Holy Zebras!! This card was a learning experience!! Good thing he is sooooo cute!!!

It is so good to see the creative process ~ some of the best inventions in life have been projects that didn't go exactly as planned. Your little Zebra card is adorable! It is also good for some of us to see that we are not alone when having difficulties putting our ideas together! Thanks Sassy!!

Bobbi said...

This is so cute, I love the window.

Mrs B said...

Oh, he did turn out so cute! Thank you for sharing the process you went thru to make him! It sure helps to know I am not the only one that sometimes a plan takes a while to actually come together!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

this crad is so cute and thank you so much for sharing directions. Happy Monday!

Becky Roper said...

Totally cute card!

Barb Craft said...

Way to stick with it Sheila... I think you may have just a teensy wincy more patience than me!! LOL!! The card is adorable and well worth the hard work it took to get there!!
Barb :)

VeronicaA said...

That is so cute. Thanks for sharing some of your pitfalls with us. It helps to know that you're not in the boat alone. Thanks also for the opportunity to win.

Lezlye said...

So cute! I really need to utilize my gypsy more!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Wow.. have you got patience. But it was well worth it, it turned out just adorable. Love that little window. So clever

Charlotte Cornett said...

he is sooooo cute!!! thanks for sharing this with us and the chance to win it!!!

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [17 May 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Snowmanlover said...

so cute!!! Gosh Sheila you are famous now!!!

JustYolie said...

Adorable card! Thanks for the chance to win!

magicwanda said...

Oh Sheila
Thats called crafting not
I do that on a regular basis.
Great card!
Wanda:-D and thanks for a chance to win it

cuttlebug_fan said...

Very pretty. I would love to win this card kit!! TFS

Debbie said...

So cute - thanks for sharing your learning experience with use!

Sandi Clarkson said...

Holy cannoli, you have the patience of Job. Well, I guess that's why we call this an art form .. always learning as we go!

Denine said...

Sassy... this is so adorable. I loved walking through the process with you.. it was like I was looking over your shoulder. :)
I just love your card kits.. so awesome!!

CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Cat(s)/Dog(s)/Bear/Bird/Butterfly/Any other Animal Theme post on May. 17, 2010. Thanks again.

Audrey Frelx said...

Okay, Sheila, my friend!!! Do the modifications really matter? LOL!!! No matter what, you always manage to turn out one fabulous project after another. This kit is cute!!!

Misha said...

That is really cute...and alot of work on your part. I really like the window idea.

flowerdisco said...

My SassySheilaLady :) I am glad you posted this because I thought I was the only one with lots of blurbs and modifications, lol. That is the hard part....all the tweaks and measurents and playing around until it fits perfectly. The rest is the gratification.

CathyinMN said...

What a cute card! Thank you for showing the correct way to put it together. Knowing me, I would have really botched it up. Thank you for sharing and for the chance to win this adorable card.

Andi said...

wow that is sooooo cute!

Doris P. said...

Even thought I know i'm not the only one - it is good to show it's not easy either for those who do this ALOT more... LOVE the card!! Thanks for details...

Claudia said...

So helpful to have the directions. Hope I win this adorable little guy (today is my BD) would love to just look at him!

papillon digital design said...

I told cherB and I am telling you now - you can always pass me the discards :). Love your trials too. Love how you share with us lesser mortals so that we can learn

The Cropping Canuck said...

I love this card! Thank you for including all the directions. You explain all the steps very well.

Dana Paper Memories4u said...

It's good to know even the experts have trouble with cards now and then. Thanks for the inspiration.

June said...

This card is absolutely adorable!!!! I love how you explained everything even the mishaps! Thank you so much for sharing your work with others!!

Cheryl Boglioli said...

Oh, I'm so glad to see other's mistakes too! It is a learning experience for us as we make them and others as we share them. Your little Zebra came out so adorable too. I'd say it was worth the learning experience. And I LOVE LOVE the idea of using the drywall tape to secure traveling bits and pieces.

Michelle said...

Hey Sweetie!!!

Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm very very new to all of this bit, I'm starting to learn my way. I just wanted to let you know that I just love what you do. You are very talented. This sassy zebra is just sooo adorable!!! Makes me wish my own children were younger. Thanks for sharing.

crazyaboutcricut said...

Wow, thanks so much for doing all the guess work! The card is sooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Love it - you are so talented - I too love the paper you used and the window. Have a grea day!

Kim F

Joyce L. said...

I love this post! Seeing the process you went through makes me feel so much better! As a new Cricut owner, this is almost an every day occurrence for me! I do numerous trial and errors every time I make a card - but I keep trying! That's why I enjoy your site and your specific directions. Thanks so much for the details! One of these days, I'll make a card by just cutting once!!! You are amazing!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Wow!! You put so much work into your cute, cute project!!! That inspires me to make up some kits myself from Create a Critter! Love that cartridge! Thanks for taking so much time figuring out things for us!!

Paula Puckett said...

Girl, you worked HARD for this card! You own it! He's such a cute little guy and well worth the effort, I'm sure. I would love to have him. Keep fighting the good fight :)

Sentimental Scrapper said...

What a great card! I love the acetate background! Acetate is a little hard to work with. LOL