May 2, 2010

You're Going Places, Baby

Wow, what an interesting award…. Classical movies and all. Some of the greatest of the great were found in the classics! What an honor to receive this award! My big thank you goes out to KE Creations and to Jill of Scrappin The Memories for this wonderful honor.

Now the rules for the award are:
• Link back to the person who gave you the award
• Post where you would like to be in 10 years
• Give this award to 10 awesome bloggers

In ten years, I would like to be retired from work and enjoying my life with family and friends. The house needs to be paid off by then and my handsome hubby and I will have the time to travel and just enjoy our time together. I will definitely have more time to craft and God willing, be capable enough to enjoy this time in our life.
Now, I would like to pass this award on to the following wonderful bloggers (starting with our Sassy Designers on to a few other great blogs):
1. Elizabeth at 217 Creations
2. Beatriz at Amazing Grace
3. Pam at The Bug Bytes
4. Cheryl at Cheryl’s Window
5. Kimberly at My Craft Space
6. Becky at My Journey to Creativity
7. Lori at Scrapping My Stress Away
8. Beth at Thunderbirdlindy by Design
9. Jeannie at A Place For My Cards
10. Sandy at Sandy from Ukiah
Wow what a line-up of WONDERFUL BLOGS. Please take a few moments to visit these wonderful blogs I know you will be glad you did! Thanks for visiting today!

And as always I thank you for your sweet and encouraging words as they continually encourage and motivate me.


Jeannie Phillips said...

Thank you so much for the award...means so much that you thought of me

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh Shelia, how sweet to think of me. I am so honored that you did.

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, congratulations on that great "classic" award!

Unknown said...

Thank you are classy!! Can I rhyme or what?!? He he!