May 31, 2010

This Weeks Card Kit Give-Away, Meet Tommy The Turtle

Don't you just love him? He is so adorable and so easy you will want to take him home for sure. This little cuttie is from PC's Create A Critter Cart.
Two whole cards will fit on one 12x24 mat and can be done with 1 quick cut. I have it designed so the shell will be seen on front and back so he looks complete which ever side you look at. All it took is one weld.  I didn't cut out the inside of the card as I will stamp my greeting. The kit does not have either.
After cutting just score the card for a top fold.
I seperated the pieces for my 2 card kits, one for myself that you are seeing me put together and the other for one lucky winner.
Then I ran the pieces through a Zyron and placed all parts in individual bags and matching ribbon. I couldn't stand waiting so I put mine together within two hours after cutting! I think I need to cut a few more out! This is a fast and easy card.
All I had to do was pull off the layers and put it together.
I took this photo so you could see how both sides are completed and match perfectly. Doesn't it have a nice finished look?
I then got out a stamp and ink to do his little face.... don't you think I made him look studious?
And if you have the Create A Critter cart, this is a must have! It's Peachy Keen's new Critters Faces set. I just love it!
Look how handsome, once he has a face! Your Sassy Card Kit will come complete with a stamped face if you win this Sassy Tommy The Turtle card kit.
And the kit took less than 3 minutes to put together! Some lucky person is going to love this card!!!

Oh I had to show you how nicely he stands on his own. I sure hope you like this weeks card and enter to win. All you need to do is take a minute and leave a little comment. I left the inside blank so you can add any sentiment you want or use it just as a note card.
Some lucky lady is going to get this kit to make a little Sassy Tommy Turtle Card sent directly to their home. All you need to do is make a comment by Sunday 8PM on 6/7/10 and watch for the announcement on Tuesday morning by 6AM on 6/8/10. It's that easy! Everybody is a winner because even if you don't win the kit you can download and make your own with this Sassy Tommy Turtle Card- Gypsy or Sassy Tommy Turtle Card- DS. Registered & Protected
So be sure to leave a comment and make sure I know how to reach you. I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words, they inspire me to keep scrapping any sharing things with you.


shanna said...

What a cute card. I just love him. TFS. Thanks for the opportunity to win it also.

Love your work.

bandit said...

So cute! I love the paper.

Becky Roper said...

OH Sheila, this turtle is just waaaayyyyy too cute! I love the face! Great job...

Unknown said...

Sassy ~ he is the CUTEST card you have given away so far!!! I love him!!! That face is adorable!

Jess (aka Sparksgal) said...

He is too cute! I love the CAC cart.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

He is pretty cute. I am going to have to check out those faces.

Beebeebabs said...

Such a cute card - would love to have it thanks for an opportunity

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [31 May 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, he's just absolutely adorable!!!

CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Cat(s)/Dog(s)/Bear/Bird/Butterfly/Any other Animal Theme post on May. 31, 2010. Thanks again.

Barb Craft said...

Sheila... you are so clever and crafty with your adorable cards!! I know where I need to turn when I need a cute little birthday card for a kid!! Your turtle is just precious!!
Barb :)

VeronicaA said...

I thought that one of the other cards was my favorite, but this has far exceeded that thought. This card is so very, very, cute. I can't wait to win! (hint, hint) Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

Debbie Johnson said...

He is too cute! I hope I win but thanks so much for sharing the cut file!!!!

JustYolie said...

Adorable turtle card! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely card is this. Thank you for the idea. Regards, Wil

Deanne Gutierrez said...

He is too darn cute for words!!


Charlotte Cornett said...

Tommy is SOOOOO Cute!!!

June said...

This is such an adorable card but then again I love all of your creations!!! Thanks so much for sharing all of your ideas and loads of inspiration!!!

Stacy said...

How cute is he. Too cute I tell ya. I love his face, that made the whole card.
This cart has been on my want list since it came out, you are just giving one more reason to get it.

papillon digital design said...

he is so cute. ask him to start walking to my place

Milamemories said...

OMG, i love him. My son just adores turtles. I love the paper that you used.



Kel said...

Seriously this lil turtle is the cutest lil guy!! Just lub him :) The paper was perfect too!! nice job.. thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute turtle. I love the paper.

Linda said...

That card is too cute. I make cards and sell some and give some away. I have never been on the receiving side. Love it.

scrapbookangel said...

Tommy Turtle needs to come to my house to live! I love him!!! He is absolutely adorable...what a face!! Thanks for a chance to win.

scrapbookangel said...

Tommy Turtle needs to come to my house to live! I love him! His face is absolutely adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

He is just the cutest! Thank you so much for sharing your cut file! I am going to have to get this cartridge now.

Gramjak said...

I thought the darling Whale last week was my favorite, but -- Call me fickle! -- I absolutely ADORE Tommy Turtle. This is truly a precious card. I would LOVE to win and make lots of other little turtles for a party we have coming up.

"Hustle on over to the party -- don't be slow!"

Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the turtle, she is so cute. My little granddaughter will love her.