August 4, 2011


Hello, everyone!!!  This is Audrey!  And I'm so glad -- thank you, Sheila -- to be back again this month!!!

Today I'll be sharing this little jewelry box:

What interested me about this little jewelry box is that it has 2 lids, one on each side of the box, and you open both lids to get to the inside box!  You'll see an example further down on the post!

But what's a jewelry box without a piece of jewelry?  So, just to give you an idea of how cute this is as a jewelry box, I made a pendant to match and include in the box!  (Sorry, this pendant isn't part of today's project, only the box is; however, if you want a tutorial, please let me know.  I'm sure most of you already know though how to put one of these together using Tim Holtz' idea-ology Facets):

Would you like a close up?  Yes?  Okay, here you go:

Oops, there's my reflection in that rhinestone taking the picture!!!  LOL!!!  Okay, before I start the tutorial, I wanted to show you where my inspiration for this box came from.  I recieved an item in this adorable box -- one picture shows the box closed and the other with the two (2) lids open revealing the inside of the box:

To begin the tutorial, I first cut out the patterns from the cut.file:

These pattern pieces are the box cover, the box, and (optional) panels.  Beginning with the box cover, you will see I have added small tick marks (cuts) on the sides -- which I've highlighted in ink; these marks indicate where the cover will be folded across from one side to the other :

I bone-folded these tick marks from one side to the other separating the cover sections as shown below, then put the cover aside:

Grabbing the box pattern, I bone-folded the 4 tabs and 4 sides of the box:

After all the folds were made, I applied glue to the 4 small corner tabs of the box pattern as shown below, and attached the tabs to the inside side folds ( do both sides):

Here's the assembled box:

Now I go back and get my box cover.  I apply glue to the 3 inside panels only, leaving the 2 outside panels without glue (these are the 2 lids that open onto the box):

Taking the box, I centered and aligned it onto the box cover and attached them together (careful centering is necessary for folding up and attaching the sides of the box cover to the sides of the box to align properly):

This box itself is now complete!!!  See how it opens?!!!  But I'm not finished, I want to add my panels!  After closing the box, I took the top cover panel, aligned it, and glued it in place.  (NOTE:  After aligning the panel there will be access paper which will have to be cut off the bottom edges of the box; I turned the box over after gluing on the panel and cut off the access).  My box now looks like this:

Because my box is made of matching decorative paper, I don't need the smaller side panels included on the cut.file for the box sides, so all I need to do is add the longer side panels to the front and back sides of my box cover:

Last but not least -- embellishing my box!!!   I added Stickles along the edges of the side panels, both sides of the outer sides of the box, and along the edge of the top box cover and panel -- I love the bling!  Next I attached a small ribbon bow, and accented the bow and across the top of the box with a Pearl Pen, and then just tossed on a couple of flowers I had lying around.  And how about this set?!!!  Kinda cute, huh?

The cut.file, and a .gypsy file, is available on my blog post for today at the end of my post.  My name above, at the top of this post, is a direct link to my place --so just click on it to come on over and grab the file(s).  Of course, it's a box, so it was easiest for me to do the file using the George cart; however, if you do not have George, please leave me a comment and I'll get back to you to determine further directions.
Thanks for stopping by, and...

I'll be seeing you!


audrey said...

Hi Audrey

I just love this box and must give it a try thanks


mfc.melissamade2 said...

OH Audrey this is just FABULOUS!!! What a perfectly perfect box! Gorgeous and thanks for the wonderful tutorial!

Carla's Cards said...

What a lovely project!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Shelia is so lucky to have you on her DT.. you are so awesome Audrey... simply gorgeous. hugs

papillon digital design said...

Audrey you are one amazingly talented woman. TFS

Angi Barrs said...

Wow...Audrey's boxes are always sooooo gorgeous. Love that ribbon bow too. :)

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Audrey this is just GORGEOUS! Love the design, the color, the bling... just GORGEOUS! Thank you so much for sharing this with us today and for the great tutorial. It just amazes me all the wonderful designs you come up with!

Lisa said...

Hi Audrey,

As soon as I saw this I said this must be Audrey's ;) and of course I was right. I'm always so amazed at what you come up with. This box is beautiful. Love that it is so different. The necklace of course is just as beautiful.

Unknown said...

Wow!! Another gorgeous creation Audrey!!!

Granny said...

Wow this is so beautiful. Love the colors and all the bling. TFS

Dan and Heather said...

Beautiful box. I really love the color you chose. The necklace is pretty too.

Anonymous said...

Ever so pretty and feminine. Love the design and the colors. TFS

Audrey Frelx said...

Thank you all for stopping by, and for all the beautiful comments I love reading!!! You're all special and I so enjoy bringing these little project to you!!!

Bunnyfreak said...

Wow. Amazing design.

Sherrie K. said...

Your box is just stunning!! I just LOVE the details:) TFS!
Sherrie K

Carol said...

WOW ... Audrey, this is a gorgeous looking box. I especially like the way the design comes together on the top. Like a little hidden slot to hide a very special note.

OK ... now I am off to take a 2nd look to see if maybe I can make one myself ... and also to visit your blog!


Pat Bowman said...

Your box is totally cool - thanks for the tutorial. Now, if I only could get my hands on that .cut file - or get some clue how you made the .cut file . . . . . .

SherriC. said...

this is FANTASTIC Audrey!!!!!
I am heading over to get your file right now!!!!!
I can't wait to try one......
thank you for sharing...

PLEPOMA said...

This is beautiful. Somebody will be getting a copy of it for Christmas! Thanks for sharing.

Sandi Clarkson said...

Wowzer! Audrey! This is one gorgeous box! So clever and I LOVE the embellishments! Now, as for doing layouts, GF! They are just large cards .. think of it that way. But I totally understand as I am that way about cards .. which are just small layouts,, right? Funny how things go ..

Sentimental Scrapper said...

This is sooooo pretty Audrey!! I love the pretty bow and flowers! Wow!!

My Craft Spot said...

Audrey!! you always amaze me with your creativity!!! LOVE IT!