August 27, 2011

Gypsy Made Simple - Happy Birthday Window Card

Good Morning. It's time for a window card. I just love window cards as they are so unique. You can't get them in the stores and people just love getting them so I think it is about time that you mastered them. They are so easy, just follow a few basic steps and you are good to go.

This first video will give you the basics of how to design your card. You need to always work with a frame, so choose a cart that has a few frames and pick one that you like. I used Elegant Edges for this one. After you have the base of your card completed you can pick ANY artwork that you want as long as you have that cartridge. Remember while watching the video do the steps and if you feel you don't understand something you can rewind or leave me a question and I will reply as soon as I can or you can write me at

This second video shows how you put the window card together. You will love how fast and easy it is to make. Normally I do two cards of the same thing but since this had a the number 3 in it signifying his age I only did one.  My paper was Glitz from Sandy at the Softside of Sandi and the rest was from my scraps.

 Isn't this just too cute for a little 3 year old little boy that has a new puppy of his own?

Here is a little close up. I sure hope you enjoyed today's post and give window cards a try. I Challenge you to make a card this week ANY card and link it up so all can see what your wonderful design!
Here is the file for SassyLady 5x5 HB Window Card
Thanks for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments always continue to inspire me to keep sharing with you.

14 comments: said...

What a awesome card and video. Thank you for sharing!

Bamabel said...

This is adorable Sheila! I am a huge fan of the window card! They are just so much fun to work with!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

So so cute Shelia.. I even got out my gypsy and followed right along with you.. I had to back you up a couple of times lol... but I MADE the .cut file, we will see how it look when I cut it out.. hope it turns out. Thanks for taking the time to share your awesome talent. Love your videos.. AND I agree we all love to receive a little love on our blogs.. I get so excited when someone comments on mine. hugs from ukiah

Java Jen's Creations said...

Another absolutely adorable card!!! I'll be making one of these this week!

Anonymous said...

Such a CUTE card!!! :-)

Heather R... mousemomma said...

I love this card. It's so cute! I love your Gypsy tutorials. I really haven't used my Gypsy and I've had it for a year now. (I think it's because I'm afraid to link my cartridges permanently to it.) I will give this a try. Thanks so much!

Kelly said...

Thank you for the tutorial on the gypsy. A fresher course is always great. I made this card and love the way it turned out. I have saved it and will certainly make it again!! You're a great teacher. Thanks, Kelly

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Sorry I entered my picture twice Shelia.. I don't know what happen but it was blank the first time... Thanks again for your awesome tutorial.

Audrey Frelx said...

Oh Sheila, you just do the cutest window cards ever!!! This one is adorable!

Cricut Couple said...

Love Love Love it!!! Now... I wish I had elegant edges. Hee! Hee! It's just awesome!

SherriC. said...

LOVE IT!!!!!
I so look forward to your Gypsy made simply videos....
thanks for all you do Sheila!!!!!

Bunnyfreak said...

I always learn so much. Love that you learn in the oopsies so we can learn from them. I always forget to turn off real size as well. said...

What a cute window card Sheila! I enjoy oopsies! and do have elegant edges! Thanks for the Inspiration! Love my Gypsy!

ottersln said...

Thank you for this tutorial. I have made a few of these before but you gave some great tips to make it a lot easier. Hope you are having a great week!