August 24, 2011

Spa Party Invitations

Hi everyone, Beth from Thunderbirdlindybydesign.  My daughter's birthday is in a few weeks and she wants to have a slumber/spa/birthday party for her celebration.  She doesn't want much does she?  Anyway I saw these invites in the front of the cartridge handbook for the Imagine cartridge Best Friend's a couple of month's ago and wanted to make them for her party.  I started with the Best Friend's cart and selected the girl with the robe and all the layers and cut her at 4.5 inches.

I needed to make six invites so I selected project quantity of 6 on the Imagine screen and it tells you how many times you need to load the mat for that quantity.
I then printed 2 of the pattern papers that are included with this cart.  I cut a piece of black cardstock 4"x9.5", I cut the striped paper 3.75"x9.25", and the green paper 3.5"x9".  The Girl and her layers are 4.5" which includes the cat in the robe.

I cut the Slumber Party sign at 2", because I made my actual invite in Word with that amount of space between you're invited and the details.

Here are all the pieced to the invite.

Here is the invite assembled.

I thought I would make the soda bottle accessories like is shown in the front of the Cartridge handbook, and my daughter is giving away gift bags to all the attendees and I thought the premade scrapbook page that comes in the cart that you can print would be cute on the front of the bags.  I could add pics of each guest for a keepsake.

Until next time, Beth.


Amy said...

What a cool idea! I love the invitations, and the SB page on the goodie bag is such a great idea!

Unknown said...

These are adorable!!!

Bamabel said...

How cute are these! I'm sure the party will be a hit!


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

These are just adorable!!! Love them.... wish I would have had amother like you when I was growing up.... wowsers a spa party!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful project with us today.

ottersln said...

Great idea!

Audrey Frelx said...

Beth, these is adorable! And what a wonderful idea for the goodie bags!

Lisa said...

AW, what a great idea. They are so cute.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

What fun ideas... I am sure the girls are going to have a ball..

mfc.melissamade2 said...


Java Jen's Creations said...

What a fun party theme!! Love it!! Way to win "Mom of the Year"!! :-)

SherriC. said...

this is so cute....
I love the LO idea,

cricaholic said...

That is so CUTE and DARLING!!!
your a very creative Mom, the party/memories will be a treasure. said...

What a cute set! I have made that layout and love it! TFS