May 25, 2011

"Can ya Sell it?"

Those were the words out of my husband's mouth when he saw my completed projected.  Hi everyone, Beth here from thunderbirdlindybydesign.  Today I wanted to share with you a project I have been working on for several week's now.  This project serves many purposes.  First of all I was inspired to make it when I ran across something similar when I was perusing the Graphic 45 Blog and discovered a very talented artist by the name of Jenny Svensson.  She created a paper Mansion using Graphic 45 Steam Punk Paper.  It really struck a cord with me and I wanted to make my own.  Second, when I first saw the French Manor exclusive Circle Cartridge, I knew I needed to make furniture with it, and this was the perfect outlet for my furniture making using this cartridge, and finally 3rd, I needed to enter something for the Circle blog Monthly Tic Tac Toe Challenge.  My project needed to have cuts welded with the Gypsy, a Sun Cut(I used the Gypsy wandering cart already installed), and buttons.  This project had all 3 and many more.

I had loads of fun making this project.  It has paper printed from the Imagine covering the front, numerous cricut cuts, and it took just about all of the imagination I had.  It's about 21" tall and 24" wide.  It also took almost all of the glue I had on hand, and almost 2 full paper stacks as well as my imagine paper.  I used paper from the DCWV collection, but I can't remember the name of them.  If I could have a house in the country somewhere, this is what I would want it to look like.  Come along with me while I take you on a tour of my own "Mansion".

Bay Window with Picket Fence.

Front door.

Porch Swing with Picket Fence

Bathroom Balcony

Kitchen with farmhouse sink

Living Room with Grandfather clock

Cabinet in the Bedroom.

My favorite room, bath with old fashioned pull toilet.

Attic/Craft/Inspiration Room


Top of Desk with "glass" top and collectibles inside.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my house, and to answer my husband's question, NO I can't sell, what in the world would someone do with it:)

Until next time, and thanks Sheila for once again having me as a guest.



Unknown said...

WOWSERS!!!!! I still remember being awed with the farm you created a while back! You have such patience and attention to detail ~ just amazing!!!!

ps. Quit raising the bar for the rest of us!!! (just kidding)

- - Sheryl - - said...

wow - lots of work and your pictures are fabulous - I loved the tour!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

AMAZING!! Where do you begin making a comment with this awesome project? Such detail, it is just amazing. I love the bathroom too and look at that it has a craft room that is so inspirational with that glass top work area. Love this project, thanks so much for sharing it with us today.

papillon digital design said...

Wow wow and wow! That's all I can say!

Stacy said...

This is amazing, so much detail
Great job

Emily C said...


Amy said...

Oh, my word, how creative! This is genius!

Nanne said...

That is beyond AMAZING!! I would love to make myself one of these and dont' you dare sell it..LOL and only a few weeks, gees!! that's just amazing all on its own... The detail really is out of this world..Thank you for sharing this with us!!

Sandi Clarkson said...

This is beyond amazing! I am just speechless! So much lovely detail. thanks for sharing this with us!

Carrie K said...

OMG! This is gorgeous!! Wow! That must have been alot of work! But worth it. What are you going to do with it?

Nadia ( said...

So beautiful that I had to come over here to comment too! After looking at it again, I discovered your bathroom. I would love to see a tutorial of how you make some of your special furnishings that were not right off of the cart -- so inventive!!!

Such a wonderful project. Isn't it funny how men see value only when you can put an actual price tag? My DH does that too.

Thank you again for sharing such a wonderful project and for inspiring me!

Suzanne said...

I don't know what to say I am absolutely stunned. The whole thing is amazing and so many awesome details. I have two wood playhouses my dad made for my girls in their late 20's now. I am thinking we could really fix them up for granddaughters. You are an amazing crafter.

Anonymous said...

This is just amazing. I really like all the rooms and the details in them. TFS

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. Love all the detail. I had a doll house as a little girl, nothing as pretty as this. TFS

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at the detail in this house. I love the little picket fence and the doors in the bathroom to the balcony. TFS

Granny said...

Look at this, it is beautiful. My great grand daughters would love this. I like all the detail and even pictures on the walls. Love it! TFS

Angi Barrs said...

WOWZA WOWZA WOWZA. I want to move in. :) Super gorgeous. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is really something! Your mansion is really beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

Unknown said...

That's just gobsmacking AWESOMENESS. Looks like you put a lot of time and love into creating this masterpiece. The little details are outstanding... LOVE IT!!!

scrappinlil said...

Can I just say AMAZING!!!!!! WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! I love all the details you did a fantastic job ...I really love your pictures on the wall and the bathroom. The lace on the bathtub gives it alittle something. I can't believe you made this all out of paper. TFS

Candace said...

I'm speechless! It's absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!! I keep coming back to drink it all in. Your details are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.

Unknown said...

Absolutely Amazing!!!! I can't imagine all the hours you put into this. The details are FABULOUS!!! Way to go...Love it!!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Ok, I have to say what everyone else is saying....... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This project is truly amazing!! You are so very talented! I'm so glad I saw this! So inspiring!! said...

Like they would say in Spanish (never used it myself) GUAUUUUU (translation WOWWWW)!!!
It is a bit hard to scroll down and click comments and still remember all the beauty of the details to tell you everything I loved... but will try a few...
The double doors to the balcony, the kitchen floor! the round window outside the house, the toilet's tank, the frame/pic of a lady! the hanging lamp/charms on the attic! on and on!
... I have said this once on another project and here is again... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!

Definition: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and docious- "educable", with the sum of these parts signifying roughly "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty."

sledkitten said...

Beautiful job. Wouldn't it be awesome to be little (like in a Disney movie)and explore the house. A girl can daydream can't she.

You need to take a giant bow. Truly beautiful.

goodfamilygirl2 said...

You amaze me with your talent and creativity!
This project took my breath away!

Marjorie said...


Daynene said...

WOW, cant even imagine how much time that took. As for selling it i'm sure you could however who would be able to part with something you put so much time, sweat, and tears I am sure into it. also I think shipping it would be a nightmare. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is truly amazing...never seen anything like it (but appreciate you giving credit obviously but YOU still did this one and WoW)
Keeping this short but not because its not an incredible project...I can't imagine the work this must have taken but you should be SO proud!!!!!!!


Becke said...

Truly A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!! I recognized my most favorite DCWV paper "Madamoiselle" in some of the shots. Perfection!

Bamabel said...

All I can say is WOW!!!!!!