May 21, 2011

Gypsy Made Simple - Tri-Fold Card Starring Birthday Bash

Don't you just love the new E2 Machine? I do too but I didn't buy one as I really didn't need it. And you know I love that exclusive cartridge that they have for those nifty tri-fold cards and decided we needed to make them on our Gypsy, so that is exactly what we are going to do! You know sometimes when you are creating a design it is just impossible to keep it all in your head. For those moments I get out the paper, pens and even markers so that I can tell shat side of the paper my design goes on. Even at that I sometimes second guess myself but that is why the paper is so helpful as you have a reference point. 
This is one of those designs. It is a difficult design that is made easy just by planning and taking it one step at a time. So get your cup of coffee or tea, turn your Gypsy on and let's get to work. This is going to be a long post but the finished card is so worth all the steps you will take to complete it. Oh, and along the way we are going to make a template so you can make another sometime in the future.

First I want you to start out by making the boxes for the base of your card. You can use any cart that you want for the artwork to go on your card but you first need to complete the base. I need you to make 4 boxes: 2x11.50 (square corner), 3.87x2.30, 4.25x3.80 and 3.50x2.30 (all 3 rounded corners). Once you have them made we will continue.

Now you need to line up these boxes as shown in the video. Make sure the final size on your screen is 5.50x11.50. Then you will group and weld the base of the card together.
Once you have this done save your design as 3-Fold Template so that you will always have that to work from. After your artwork is added you will do a Save As with another name so that you will have 2 files. As you are watching this you will see that I made a major sizing error. I didn't change the video as in the 2nd video I discover the error and fix it. I left it as you need to know how to fix your card if you do the same.

Please use what ever cart you have in your collection for artwork to add to the base of your design. Separate out so you have a page for the three elements you choose making it easy for you to layer.

Because of the complexity of the card I took some of my scrap paper and made a practice cut to make sure it cut and folded properly and it was perfect. I have to admit when I have a challenge like this one it gets the blood stirring and keeps me awake until I have a completed project! Watch the next video to see how it all comes together.

I have to admit this was a fun card to do! It was a challenge but well worth the effort!

Now I challenge you to make one of your own and link it up to my site.
I will make the file available to anyone that wants it but I am asking for a donation this time for the tornado victims here in Alabama.  Below please take a moment to see some of the devastation for yourself.

Email your contribution no matter the size via PayPal using the Donate button on the top right on my blog. CLOSED $52 was collected and was donated along with my donation to the Salvation Army. I thank all that participated and the file you have received this now RETIRED. I have never asked for a fee for myself but these people have lost everything and this is one little way that I can help make their lives a little easier.
Thanks for joining me today and I sure hope you learned something new that you can use on your Gypsy. Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement, your comments continue to inspire me.


Java Jen's Creations said...

Sheila, thanks so much for your hard work in preparing this awesome tutorial! Your card is adorable! It was really fun making one along with you! I stamped my birthday sentiment since I didn't have the cartridge needed for the "Happy Birthday" cut out in your file. Thanks again for all you do!

Jane said...

I am totally blown away by this. It is truely awesome. I am new to using the gypsy. This the most amazing card i have ever seen done using the gypsy. Thank you so much for this wonderful creation

Bamabel said...

I just loved this tutorial Sheila! This is one awesome style of card!! I had so much fun making mine! I did not have 'Birthday Bash', so I gave mine a try with different cartridges (Give A Hoot, Plantin' Schoolbook) and had a ball! I've already designed another with 'Mini Monsters' and am thinking about heading downstairs this morning and starting on that one. This was just so much fun! One of my favorite tutorials you've done!!!! TFS! And can't wait to see everyone's take on this!

Larelyn said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! You just never cease to amaze me with your talent. Thank you for sharing each wonderful detail.

Bradley said...

Thank you so much for this tutorial! I'm actually kind of put out that the main cart I want is exclusive to the E2. But now I can just follow your tutorial and make my own! B-bash is one of my fave carts too!

Cricut Couple said...

Brilliance as always! This card is fantastic! It has been so hard to see the storm damage that has hit Alabama. We have had a lot of flooding in this area, but something wonderful is that even though many people here have been affected by the flooding, our community all got together and still managed to put together three tractor-trailer loads of food and supplies to send to Alabama. It's been wonderful working with everyone, but so heartbreaking to see what families are going through. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for such an amazing tutorial!

SherriC. said...

this is just amazing Sheila!!!!
I had so much fun playing with your file!!!
I don't have BB so I am using CAC and GW....
I am making the card today, I can't wait to see everyone's take on this card!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is WONDERFUL! I love it!!! tfs :-)

Anonymous said...

Your card came out so cute! I made a graduation one this past week for my nephew, still have to make one more a little different than the first one (twins) but haven't done it yet. I'll post it tomorrow when I can get my son to help me post a picture of it. Susan

Audrey Frelx said...

Hi, Sheila! Wanted to drop by to just say "hi", but now that I'm here I've got to say this is some cute card!!!

Still trying to play some catching up as I've found I've missed so much, but I'll be back.


Unknown said...

WOW Sheila! What a great tut and card! Sorry I didn't have time to play a long this weekend! Summer is coming and I will have more time!!!

just by lee said...

I have been faithfully following your blog for sometime and really like your tutorials as they are easy to understand and follow along! Finally, I have something to show for it!! thanks very much for sharing!!

gardener said...

Oh, Sheila, your blog has quickly become my favorite since I got my gypsy. Your tutorials are super, the detail is just what I need as a beginner and the mouse birthday card is soooo cute. Well done. Well done. Thanks so very much. Looking forward to our next gypsy adventure together.

Shelley said...

Sheila, another great video series. I had a great time watching it. I am definitely going to try this one.


Grannymama said...

Love this card...wish it was in one of the cartridges used by Design Studio. I don't own a Gypsy and don't plan to purchase reason why since I am changing electronic cutters. But if it was a svg file, I would love it!!

And I remember April 27 thru that l-o-n-g weekend of no power! Yep, I live in Alabama....and I don't want to go thru that again...every storm that comes up now makes me very paranoid...

Pesky said...

Thanks so much Sheila. I check your site every day. I just love this card. I followed along as far as getting the template and will finish it later. It was fantastic. I love it when you show us something that we can create without one of the special carts.
Love what you do!

ottersln said...

Wow! You did a lot of work on this. Thanks for sharing! If I understood correctly you flipped these images before you cut them right? If I use double sided paper I don't have to flip it necessarily correct? I do need to make sure I have my paper placed on the mat correctly to get the PP I want for the outside I think.... Again WOW and many thanks for sharing as I am NOT purchasing my 4th Cricut to be able to make these adorable cards. LOL