May 8, 2011

National Scrapbook Day

Good evening, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day, I know I sure did. My children showed up at the door with all kinds of food and cooked dinner for me and my hubby. It was wonderful.
Anyway Saturday was National Scrapbooking Day and The Cricut circle is having a contest for some wonderful prizes and to qualify you must post a photo of your self in your scraproom. So here I am in mine picking out some paper for a project. Hope you have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Aren't you cute! Love your videos, thanks for taking the time to share your crafting endeavors with everyone.

Unknown said...

LOVE it! My picture turned out sideways and I couldn't get it to turn around! If you need a laugh, check it out! Happy MOther's Day, Sheila!

Carolyn/MamaC said...

Thank you for all that you do for papercrafting. Please visit my blog, I have something for you...

Janee said...

I have awarded your blog The Versatile Blogger Award. Please check out the post below and pass it on!