May 14, 2011

Gypsy Made Simple - End Cap Tags

I am so excited to bring this simple project to you this morning... you see my Creative Memories bags now have matching name tags! While at the Dallas Stampede in March we did make and take name tags using the Plantin Schoolbook cartridge.They gave us the opportunity to use the cricut and make our own right on the spot. and it was a lot of fun. The problem with mine is I didn't think to laminate it and there was only one and I have a set of matching bags and wanted a matched set to go with it.
Well I thought I would share with you how to make tags on your Gypsy and you too would have a tag for your craft bag or luggage. So go get a cup of coffee and turn your Gypsy on and let's get to work.

You can see how easy this is. You need to know that you can also use Mickey Font for end caps too. Be sure to play along as this is super easy and everyone needs tags.

Now see how easy it was to put together too. I sure hope you enjoyed today's post and learned something that you can use. I challenge you to make one today and post it so we can all see how you used your tag.

Isn't this great how it turned out? Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me.....


Stacy said...

Super cute tags. So sorry to say that I don't have the Plantin cartridge.
Hugs, Stacy

Teach4U said...

I created my end caps on my Gypsy, now I have to cut them out. I will post them as soon as I cut them. Thank you for doing the Gypsy tutorials.


Suzanne said...

Thank you for the tutorial and great idea. I put vinyl on my cart for CHA and it pilled off. Then I cut out Duct Tape Sheets and this isn't staying very well but better than vinyl. Definitely will make one of these to cricutfy my cart. Thanks

Larelyn said...

Oh Sheila, thank you soooo much. I tried making endcaps with my Gyspy and just could not figure it out!!! Your video is fabulous.
PS Mickey Font also has endcaps :)

Sandi Clarkson said...

Great idea with the tags! You are always coming up with the most unique idea! Way to go!

Unknown said...

Super cute idea! I need to make these!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Shelia.. oh yes these are just too cool.. I followed along with you on my gypsy.. I had some problems and my didn't match up, but after the 3rd try it finally did... so so cute. Wondering if you would mind doing written instructions so I can have them handy when tried to do them again.. ???? Will understand if it's too much trouble to write them out... Super super cute. You always make everything look so easy. hugs

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Me again, I notice you said you can use the Mickey font to do this, would it be the same steps??? Does the Micky cart. have the end caps???

papillon digital design said...

Great job! Love the tags you have created. TFS

Java Jen's Creations said...

Thank you so much for another awesome tutorial and project!! Today has been a busy, crazy day but I hope to get mine cut out and posted here either tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration!!

jane said...

I have often wondered how to do end caps. I did not really know what. so thanks for the inspiration.

Debby said...

Sheila, what a great idea! Thanks for the wonderful videos and I will definitely try this!

SherriC. said...

GREAT video Sheila,
I Love making tags!!!
I just a thought that may help the next time you have to do this, the keyboard on your computer has the same letter lo as the Plantin Overlay, so instead of jumping from screen to screen, you can just look at your keyboard and count over....or pull out your overlay if it is handy.....I hope this helps,
I love your video tutorials!!!!!!
thanks for another great one....