May 16, 2011

Simple Copic Tutorial

 Hi ya everyone! This is Melissa from MelissaMade here today to share with you a coloring tutorial.  Thanks Sheila for letting me share again today.  I've had a number of questions concerning my Copics lately and thought I would share a brief tutorial on coloring a simple image with a minimum number of markers.  We all know Copics are a bit expensive.  However, you definitely are paying for a great product and like other crafting products out there you get what you pay for.  This is not to say that buying a cheap pack of crayola markers is a bad idea - it's actually a good place to start to see if you will enjoy coloring.  So tip one - buy some inexpensive colored pencils or markers and see if you enjoy coloring.  I have a feeling you'll love it - it's extremely relaxing and very portable.  Ok, let's get started!

Choosing Paper and Printing - I print my image on a Laser Jet printer but you can use Ink Jet printers but you will either need special inks or a spray on sealer.  Paper is another question I get often.  This a personal preference as everyone will choose something a bit different.  For inexpensive Georgia Pacific 110lb. paper works well and can be found at the local grocery store or bix box store.  I've tried a number of other brands too but my all time favorite is X-Press it white.

Choosing an Image - You can either go digital or rubber/clear.  Personally, there are appeals to both but I prefer digital images only because I don't have to worry about storage of extra crafting products and I can change the size of the image to whatever I like.  For this tutorial I am using an adorable image from Tiddly Inks called June and she can be found HERE.
Choosing colors - I usually choose my marker colors as I go and then match my paper.  This is backwards - but I never said I was normal =).  Choosing your design paper first is a good idea because then you can match your markers.  A color chart of your markers/pencils is a great idea because then it's easy to match up design paper.  These are the colors I'm choosing for this image.  I would normally use more for an image but I wanted to show you that you don't need every marker out there to color a cute image.  Copics are numbered on the top - for example the reds I show here are from light to dark as follows: R20, R22, R24, R29.  Using Copics that are in a color family is a good idea as you will see in my tutorial.
The basics for coloring are all the same.  Start with a light shade, use a dark shade to add shadows, go over your dark shadows with a medium shade and go over the entire image again with the light shade. I don't always follow this rule as you will see and other wonderful artists don't either.  However, it's a good rule of thumb to start.

Coloring Skin - Coloring in small circles will help you blend your colors better and will reduce streaking.
1. Color area in light color
2. Color shaded areas in dark color
3. Cover dark ares with medium shade and extend a bit into lighter shade
4. Color over everything in light color.

Coloring Accessories
1. Cover entire area in light shade
2. Trim in medium shade
3. Add more depth with dark shade
4. Go over dark shade with medium shade
5. Cover entire image with light shade 

Coloring Clothes
1. Cover entire area in light shade
2. Trim in medium shade
3. Add more depth with dark shade
4. Go over dark shade with medium shade
5. Cover entire image with light shade
6. Added a bit more depth with medium shade
7. Covered entire area again with light shade

Coloring Hair - for hair I like to leave my white space in the very beginning to mark out where my hair will have some shine.  I will also start adding colors in the same direction I want her hair to go.  This gives the hair a more realistic look.
1. Cover entire area in light shade
2. Trim in medium shade
3. Add more depth with dark shade
4. Go over dark shade with medium shade
5. Cover entire image with light shade
6. Added a bit more depth with medium shade
7. Covered entire area again with light shade - not shown

Shoes and Accents - I color the shoes with only two shades and add some cute accents with a white gel role pen.
 Simple Background - You don't need to add a background but it might be fun.  This is a VERY SIMPLE background just adding small dots randomly with the Copics.
Finally, I mount the image on some Basic Grey paper from the Romani stack and make my card.  Here is a close-up of this Tiddly Ink image colored and mounted on my card.
Isn't she adorable?  Just remember to follow some basic rules and practice.  I learn something new with my markers everyday.
Please feel free to ask questions either in the comments section or visit my blog at MelissaMade for my email address.  I am not a Copic Certified instructor but enjoy showing others how I like to color my images.

Thanks again Sheila and don't forget to leave a comment - I love them!!!


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Melissa this is a GORGEOUS card and I love love love the tutorial. You see I have just started coloring a few digital stamps and I have so much to learn! Seeing this makes me wish I had purchased the Copics as there is so many more colors to choose from for blending the colors. Thanks for sharing your techniques with us today.

Anonymous said...

Darling little card and great tutorial, I learned a lot. TFS

Granny said...

Wow, what a beautiful card and look at all the work that ges into making one this beautiful. Thank you for sharing as I never understood the blending you do until today.

Larelyn said...

Oh my, she is just adorable and I so appreciate the tutorial. I have a pretty good collection of Copics and just need to keep practicing. thanks for the inspiration.

Cindy@ said...

Beautiful coloring. I love to hear everything I can about Copics. I have some and I'm definitely still learning. It is a lot of fun though. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

Java Jen's Creations said...

Thanks for the great tutorial on coloring! I've been eyeing Copics for quite some time. I'll think I'll take your suggestion and do some coloring with the markers I have to see how I do! Beautiful card!!

SherriC. said...

Thank you for the GREAT tutorial!!!!!

Kate said...

Thanks Melissa, you rock! I'm just amazed at how beautifully you color hair! It's time for me to start playing. Such a pretty card.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [17 May 02:15am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

papillon digital design said...

This is such a great tutorial. Love it. And the stamp is so cutely colored! TFS

Cricut Couple said...

Great! Now I have to order some copics! Thank A LOT!!!

Oops... I mean... Wonderful tutorial! Hee! Hee! I really love every single detail in everything that you do, but please... stop being so good? Every project looks like so much fun that I want to learn copics. Please... no more... make something ugly please... Hee! Hee!

Love everything you have ever done and some day, I hope to have the tools and your inspiration to color something about 10 to 20 percent as good as yours. That's my goal!

Audrey Frelx said...

WOW!!! What great coloring and a great tutorial!!! You've really inspired me to practice more -- I'm terrible at coloring and I think my copics may have dried up as I haven't even attempted to use them in, probably, over a!