March 14, 2012

Altered tennis shoes

Good morning!  This is Beatriz from Amazing Grace and today is my turn today to design for She's a Sassy Lady.  As is the case for most of you, my #1 creative passion is for scrapbooking and working with paper crafts.  However, there are times where we just have go "outside of the box".  Here is an example of going "outside of the box" (a shoe box, that is); a customized pair of sneakers that would make Michael Jordan envious.

Granted, they're not very practical for a 5k run or a day in the park, but they're just perfect for that very special occasion.

Here is my friend Karen's precious baby, Mary Kate, who turned one-year-old last week, wearing her fancy shoes while she rides a hobby horse that she got for her birthday.

Hope you have enjoyed this cute idea. Have a great and blessed day!


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

It is hard to believe that little Mary Kate is one year old already! She looks just beautiful in those stunning shoes! Love it! Thanks for sharing this with us today.

Lisa said...

Those shoes are gorgeous and Mary Kate is adorable. Great idea. :)

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Oh my garsh these are just too darn cute!! What an adorable princess and now she has the perfectly embellished shoes to match!!! Fabulous project and idea! TFS!

Anonymous said...

Super cute idea!

Angi Barrs said...

WOWZA...these are super gorgeous!

Java Jen's Creations said...

These are sooooo adorable!!!! Fantastic job!!!

Carolyn/MamaC said...

What a fun post! The shoes are adorable, but the little girl is a beauty! Thank you for sharing!