March 6, 2012

Organizing Your Copics Will Save You Time

Today I would like to share a little organizational tip that is sure to save you time! I started buying my Copic Markers a few months ago and now have almost 72 of them! I am so excited as I am taking the Copic Class called Created From Color with Melissa of Melissa Made and Kristie of The Odd Girl teaching. Well I was having a hard time as I bought the little cases for on $5 ($3 if you use the coupon) at Hobby Lobby and put the Copics in by the little 6 pack I bought them in. See Hobby Lobby has them in little 6 packs, you know primary colors, pastels etc. Well I thought that was great and loaded my cases... WRONG! They were just impossible to use.

Well Melissa had suggested I keep them by color groups and WOW what a difference! I took them out and sorted them by the number on the marker and then placed them back in the cases.

What a difference..... all the earth tones are together, the reds, blues, yellows etc making it so much easier to find the colors you are looking for. I love it, just check out these photos....

Earth tones above.

 The yellows and yellow reds. and my blender is on the far right.
 My grays, black, and greens here.
 Then I have my blues and blue greens.
 Blue violets and violets.
Pinks and reds here.... and everything is from the lightest to the darkest  making it very easy to find. I have 2 Copic Marker Hand Color Charts colored in with the markers I have. One I use at home to match colors I want to use and the other I carry in my purse so when I am out shopping I always have my list folded and with me so that I do not purchase duplicates. It is a real time saver. Now also be sure to watch for those Hobby Lobby coupons as I really is nice to get 40% and 50% off Copics just by using a coupon! It really saved me a bundle although I must admit that is wonderful  with competitive pricing and speedy delivery. I will become a regular customer for sure, I had my first order in hand 2 days after I ordered!
Well I sure hope you enjoyed today's little tips and can put a couple to use. If you have any other suggestions please add to the comments for all to learn.
Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments inspire me to continue sharing with you.


Carolyn/MamaC said...

What a great tip on storing Copics! I don't take mine to crops and such anymore...I had 36 stolen! It took awhile to replace them!! I love Copics and I see you do, too!

papillon digital design said...

What a lovely way to organise. I never knew HL sold these organisers. I will be on the look out. I have my copics stored in the new copics bag but these are great for the other markers and gel pens I have. TFS

Barb Smith said...

What a wonderful collection of Copics. I would love to have that many markers but I'll continue to add to my small collection. When I buy my pens, I get 3 for example in the same range (every other number) so they blend together. Have fun!

Barb from Toronto, Canada

Angi Barrs said...

I still want to take a Copic class. I sooo need it. LOL Love your organization tip.

Candy said...

Thanks so much for sharing your video Sheila. I love your enthusiasm!! It's contagious! I am also taking a copic class and loving it. There is so much to learn.
Can't wait to see your next images.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Love this organization tip Sheila! You should share it on the class forum too - people love to find new ways to store! Fabulous!

Rosie said...

this is a cool neat way to be organized

Audrey Frelx said...

Like Angi, I would just love a class too!!! My coloring is awful! LOL!

Great job on the organizing!

Dulcie said...

I have to agree that the Copics are so addictive. My best tip is to go to and register. You are then able to enter which colors you have in which body style of marker. It is mobile optimized so that you can pull it up on your phone and have your collection at your finger tips, complete with your wish list. It is very cool and convenient to have it with you all the time.

Migdalia said...

Very Interesting!TFS I am making a visit to

Beth said...

ooohhh, would love to have these. I wouldn't use them, I would just marvel at them. Thanks for the tips.

Brenda said...

I love this idea Sheila, it is a perfect way to store your markers. I don't have the Copic markers but I have a different kind of alchol marker. Did you find these holders in the art department of Hobby Lobby??? I will be going and looking for these cases, they are just perfect!! Thank you for sharing this with us!!!

maliburita56 said...

Yes, I really like your Copic organization idea. Like the other lady asked, did you find the holders in the Art Department of Hobby Lobby or elsewhere in the store? Who is the manufacturer and do you know the item # by any chance?

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

They were right below the copics and with the colored pencils in the art department. Hope that helps.