November 25, 2011

A box in half an hour

Hi all,
Today I thought I'd share with you how to make a quick box. My children are going to a birthday party and as a gift I brought some hair accessories. There wasn't any nice boxes to seen as I was very short on time. It's been a busy week. So I thought I'd make a box using the crafter's companion boxer board.

The most difficult bit is working out the size of card you need. Above is a break down of how you need to work it. The first line is the size of the box. You then have to multiply the depth of the box 2 inches by 2. You then add this to each of the box measurements. You also add a 1/4 inch to make it fit nicely. The final measurement will e the size of the card you need to cut.

Here is the card scored at 2 inches. On the boxer for the base you read from right to left using the bottom numbers. For the lid you read left to right using the top numbers. You need to make sure the card is at the edge of where you are reading from.

I then cut alternative lines for the corners. I then taped them using Scor tape and stuck it together.

For the lid I wanted to make a decorative boarder around. So after I scored using the lid side of the board, I then moved it to the other and scored at six inches using the top numbers.

Here's the box assembled. It took less than 1/2 hour to make the box. Decorating it would take the longest time. I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial.

Thank you Sheila for having me today.

Kelly x


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Kelly this is perfect for this time of year as we all need to be able to put together a quick box for those little gifts that need wrapping. It never fails that we forget to buy that size and then at the last minute we are searching for anything that will work. This is a quick, easy answer that can be personalized to fit the recipient. Thanks for sharing with us today.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Thanks for the tutorial Kelly. I love having nice boxes for small gifts and for cards this time of year! Thanks!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Great tutorial! I love using my Crafter's Companion for these projects!

Cricut Couple said...

Fantastic Tutorial Kelly! Love it! TFS!

Audrey Frelx said...

Great job on the box, Kelly! TFS!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Great job on the box, Kelly! TFS!!!