November 22, 2011

DIY Embossing Gun Holder

Hey everyone,
This is Stacy from LoveThatBug with another DIY project. I first want to thank Sheila for having me over again. This one is super simple to make using just scraps of wood, or really inexpensive if you need to buy the wood. This is an embossing gun holder. I love this because now I am able to emboss a lot easier. This is what the finished project looks like:

Now, for what you need to make this:
You will need a 1 x 4 piece of wood cut into three pieces. One that measure 9 inches, and two that are 6 inches. You are also going to need 4 drywall screws, a drill bit, sand paper and a 2 inch circle attachment that goes on a power drill. The lumber yard will cut the wood for you free of charge as long as you buy the wood there.

 If you don't have a circle attachment for a drill, ask the lumber yard to cut if for you. They may charge for this since it isn't a simple cut, but I am not sure. You want to put the hole on one of the 6 inch pieces of wood, about an inch from one end and centered from side to side.

After all of your wood is cut, you are going to want to sand around rough edges as well the inside of the hole we just made. Then you are ready to put it together.

Here are I am showing how I assembled it. The piece with the cut out is on the right side, this will be your top piece. The other one on the left side is the bottom piece. See how they are attached. I have the top one sitting on top of the longer piece of wood and the bottom piece I have on the side of the longer piece. I did this so it distributes the weight of the wood more evenly. Before you attach, you are going to want to pre drill your holes so the wood doesn't split. Then you are done! Now you can spray paint it any color you like, leave it as is, or stain it. Make it match what you want.

I do want to mention, as you will see in the pic below. The 2 inch hole was just a tad to big and my gun fell thru it. Rather than starting over again, I simply took some pony tail holders (3) and wrapped them around my gun, pushing them towards the top. This now acts as a stopper sort of speak so the gun fits in there nicely.

Hope you enjoyed this little project and give it a try for yourself. I just love it. Thanks for looking.
Hugs, Stacy


Unknown said...

Very clever! Thanks for sharing. Am going to have to remember this!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

I've never thought of something like this - but there are times I admit when I need my heat gun held because I'm trying to fiddle with something! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful idea.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What an awesome idea. I just got a heat gun and the first thing you think of when your new with them is what do you do with it how do you store this. So this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it with us today.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

What a clever idea... And it looks pretty easy to make, thank you for sharing.

Kelly said...

I think my Hubby maybe given a new project to do at the weekend x

Cricut Couple said...

Wow! This is very cool!

Audrey Frelx said...

VERY clever!!! Like this!

SherriC. said...

this is a GREAT project!!!!!
I think I may need to show this to my son, so he can make me one....hehe

Java Jen's Creations said...

What an awesome project!! This is a fantastic idea! Thanks for a great tutorial!

Rosie said...

great idea!!!!
Thanks for the tutorial