November 1, 2011

Opps, I Forgot To Announce A Winner!

I was so excited about changing everything around and getting everything in the right place I almost forgot to announce the winner of our weekly challenge! I know shame on me!
We had eight beautiful entries and I am so happy that I use because I couldn't decide on my own! Our winner this week is number 2 from Sabriolet Designs. I hope you all get a chance to check out her blog. Just click HERE to see the awesome designs she features.
She will be receiving a cute little personalized monogrammed set of note cards. All you need to do is touch the contact button right below my header and send me an email with your name and address. I will place your gift in the mail for you to enjoy.

I want to thank everyone that entered our weekly challenge. Note this will be a regular feature. Each week all you need to do is check the upper right column. There will be a photo and all you need to do is click on that photo to get your instruction.  I can't wait to see what you do this week. Remember it is any Christmas ornament, so be sure to link yours up.


Audrey Frelx said...

Congrats to the wonderful winner!!!

Dayna Sabrina said...

Yes, it's me! I am so excited I won! Thank you Sheila.